SD CINEMATOGRAFICA was formed in 1961 as a production company. Since its founding, the company has produced Films, Variety Programmes, and Science and Cultural documentaries for the Italian public broadcaster RAI and other leading international television companies. In recent years the company has focused on wildlife, Science and History documentaries with such success that it now counts National Geographic Channels, Discovery Channels, TF1, ARTE, NHK, TSR, ARD/BR, PBS and ZDF, as well as RAI and Mediaset, among its clients. Many SD documentaries have won major international prizes at the world’s leading festivals, including Academy Award, Emmy and Banff nominations. Today SD Cinematografica has over 800 hours of programming to its name. [abs]







Carlo & Lodovico Prola

Ditta Prola



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Spring has been described innumerable times by poets, writers and artists as a bursting forth of colours, of life, of joy. It is almost as if nature put on her best dress to pay homage to the good season, to celebrate the end of the cold and arid winter.
In reality, and despite the value of the poetic and aesthetic interpretation of Spring, the frenetic explosion of life that follows the stasis of winter has precise biological motivations that have been carefully examined by scientists.
The totality of the organisms, both animal and vegetal, that populate our planet in a multitude of forms, are the result of long and complex evolutionary processes that have engendered the incredible variety of life on earth which biologists have coined biodiversity.