SD CINEMATOGRAFICA was formed in 1961 as a production company. Since its founding, the company has produced Films, Variety Programmes, and Science and Cultural documentaries for the Italian public broadcaster RAI and other leading international television companies. In recent years the company has focused on wildlife, Science and History documentaries with such success that it now counts National Geographic Channels, Discovery Channels, TF1, ARTE, NHK, TSR, ARD/BR, PBS and ZDF, as well as RAI and Mediaset, among its clients. Many SD documentaries have won major international prizes at the world’s leading festivals, including Academy Award, Emmy and Banff nominations. Today SD Cinematografica has over 800 hours of programming to its name. [abs]







Francesco Petretti

Diomedea Studium

50 min.


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Italy salt flats go back to the Phoenicians and the Roman times. They are still the main source of salt for most European countries, where salt is used to keep roads free from ice and to make meals more tasteful. Salt flats can also be considered biodiversity jewels, because they host impressive colonies of gulls, terns, waders and flamingos, which rear their chicks close to the men who harvest the salt today as well as 2000 years ago.


Important shots Nesting colonies of Mediterranean and Slender-billed Gulls, Little Tern, Avocet. Herring Gulls preying wader eggs. Huge colonies of flamingos with close images of flamingos at the nest. Flamingo chicks in “kinderheim”. Industrial salt harvesting in Apulia and Sardinia and traditional salt extraction activities in old-fashioned Sicilian salt pans. Rodeo with flamingo chicks for bird ringing.