SD CINEMATOGRAFICA was formed in 1961 as a production company. Since its founding, the company has produced Films, Variety Programmes, and Science and Cultural documentaries for the Italian public broadcaster RAI and other leading international television companies. In recent years the company has focused on wildlife, Science and History documentaries with such success that it now counts National Geographic Channels, Discovery Channels, TF1, ARTE, NHK, TSR, ARD/BR, PBS and ZDF, as well as RAI and Mediaset, among its clients. Many SD documentaries have won major international prizes at the world’s leading festivals, including Academy Award, Emmy and Banff nominations. Today SD Cinematografica has over 800 hours of programming to its name. [abs]







Piero Cannizzaro

SD Cinematografica

26 Min.


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The Trevisan lands are crossed by the Sile River, the longest resurgence waterway in Europe. In Treviso, the deep relationship between the city and the river, is evidenced by the presence of the canals, but also by its mercantile history. In fact, not far from the Lodge of the Knights, stands the Fishmonger, a famous fish market, where the protagonists are stockfish and cod. Stefano Zanotto, manager of a historic inn, is also here, a type of restaurant that in Treviso is a real institution. Leaving the city, you will meet the Cervara Oase, where Erminio Ramponi works, engaged in the recovery of the nesting of storks. But also the element of fire belongs to the tradition of this area and is carried on by the sailor Marco Varisco, who inherited it from his forearms. In the Trevisan countryside, however, you can also find the prized white Asparagus of Badoere, while, from a passion for flight by Giancarlo Zanardo, the Foundation "Jonathan Collection" was born, which collects a series of models of historical aircraft. Even today, some fly over the Piave, the scene of the heroic events of the Great War. In Castelfranco Veneto, where the wounded were sheltered from the front, the castle city maintained its ancient military structure. Along the banks of the Sile there has also been a passion for craft boats and, among those who delight in using it on the river, there is Stefano Marini. Finally, these valleys and their culture inspired the songs of the Male Choir "Voices of the Sile", directed by Raffaela Pupo in Quinto di Treviso.

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