SD CINEMATOGRAFICA was formed in 1961 as a production company. Since its founding, the company has produced Films, Variety Programmes, and Science and Cultural documentaries for the Italian public broadcaster RAI and other leading international television companies. In recent years the company has focused on wildlife, Science and History documentaries with such success that it now counts National Geographic Channels, Discovery Channels, TF1, ARTE, NHK, TSR, ARD/BR, PBS and ZDF, as well as RAI and Mediaset, among its clients. Many SD documentaries have won major international prizes at the world’s leading festivals, including Academy Award, Emmy and Banff nominations. Today SD Cinematografica has over 800 hours of programming to its name. [abs]







Luigi Cammarota

SD Cinematografica

43 min.


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We are in the center of Europe, in the third millennium! Permosh is a very small village in a remote valley in the mountains of northern Albania, in the Scutari region. It is nestled between peaks that reach 2500 meters above sea level, often snowy, immersed in nature and its wild noises. It is located in the meeting point of three borders, Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro and retains the most authentic and intact face of western Balkan culture, so much so that it will become a supranational Park of Peace. The whole Kelmand Valley is far away: from the modernity that advances throughout the region, from the comforts and comforts that often affect our lives. The landscape is primal and authentic, no asphalt, little TV, mobile phones, internet or street lighting. The night in return gives the spectacle of the Milky Way clearly visible to the naked eye, without light pollution. Almost two-thirds of the valley is covered by trees, mainly oak trees. The forests are so inaccessible to humans that they are considered a "primordial forest". The Cem River flows from north to south and is famous for its abundance of mountain trout. 170 caves and caves, 10 of which are of international importance. Inside the caves are stunning underground lakes, huge tunnels and giant siphons that feed dozens of pure water sources and three waterfalls. All these wonders, however, are nothing compared to the inhabitants. It is an ancient and leathery community of a few people dedicated to breeding and farming heroic at high altitude, in the best preserved example of a mountain village, with houses with typical wooden tiled roof gathered around a real working water stone mill, in step with the slow weather of Nature. At the center of the clock tower, used over the centuries as a refuge during the recurring family feuds. Many women in the villages still wear the "xhubleta", the bell skirt whose origin is lost in the night of time.

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